08/15/2023 Highlights from this week

Allens Hummingbird

Hummingbirds are a great subject for photographing during the summer around Lake Hodges. The trick is to have them …..

NANPA Award winning shot

NANPA award winning photograph
Western Grebe and chicks

North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA), 2022 Judges Choice Award winner.

North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA), 2022 Judges Choice Award winner.

07/09/2023 Cooper’s Hawks have fledged

fan tail Coop

When I was recently shooting the Woodpeckers, I was able to watch a pair of Cooper’s Hawks raising a brood of chicks. The nest was in a slightly ….

06/18/2023 Woodpecker Highlights

Nuttall's Woodpecker

It all started when walking the dog. I passed one of the older rotting oak trunks and heard a very faint squeak. After looking and listening for a few minutes I…..

06/16/2023 Some things can only be seen from the boat.

swallow it

A fledgling Swallow was perched in the middle of the lake and one of the parents….

06/06/2023 Overcast conditions present some of the best light for bird photography.

Male and Female Acorn Woodpeckers 2

Not far from the Woodpecker’s cavity is a Cooper’s Hawk nest and …..

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