04/15/2024 Highlights from this month

Spring time brings in a whole new set of nesting birds.

Black-headed Gossbeak in flight at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

The less seen, but spectacularly colorful underside of a Black-headed Grosbeak. 

Male Back-headed Gossbeak at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

Slightly different but equally beautifully colored yet when perched.

Western Bluebird at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

A male Western Bluebird standing tall on one of the new sprigs of Oak. We’ve had a pretty wet Spring so far, and the trees, plants and birds are loving it.

Snowy Egret in breeding plumage at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

We know its Spring when male Snowy Egrets have red lores. 

Scrub Jay portrait at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

When seeing a Scrub Jay up close one can really appreciate it’s beauty. 

Small and fast, so one has to be quick with the camera, but worth it. The Oak Titmouse.

California Quail at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

One can often hear them long before seeing them. This time of year the males will perch and vocalize, it’s a great way to find them. Often you’ll hear a flurry of activity as a covey moves from one area of undergrowth to another. California Quail.

The Lake is now open to boating

With the Launch ramp still inaccessible, only vessels that can be walked down to the beach can be launched.  However, the Lake is still closed to wing boards, windsurfing and paddle boarding due to the water quality. There will again be access with the end of the rainy spring when the water quality improves.

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Local Accommodation

Recommended rentals in the Del Dios and surrounding community on Lake Hodges.

Springhill Suits

by Marriott | 7 min. drive entrance to Lake

Rancho Bernardo

Inn | 16 min. drive entrance to Lake

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Please use the contact form below, if you have any general questions or requests about our services. We will try our best to respond back to you within 24 hours.
American Kestrel
Scaly-breasted Munia
Western Grebe and chicks
California Quail 2
Yellow-rumped Warbler


+ (760) 735 8088

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