07/01/2024 Highlights from last month – Chicks, fledglings and rescues

Splash Grebe at lake Hodges Photo Tours

…..A busy month indeed. The Grebe chicks are growing fast and all of the recent chicks are off the …..

05/31/2024 Highlights from this month – Grebe Chicks!

Western Grebe Chick at Lake Hodges Photo tours

…. in the back of my mind I’ve always hoped that sometime in the interim, if at all, there may be enough vegetation growth at the current level to sustain a nesting Grebe colony.

Well, this winter, far earlier than I expected…..

04/15/2024 Highlights from this month

Black-headed Gossbeak in flight at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

Just a few highlights from this month. There’s always….

03/26/2024 The Weed Dance

Grebe Courtship in earnest at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

A pair of male and female Grebes will dive to the lake bed and come back to the surface with weeds in their bills that they …..

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