04/15/2024 Highlights from this month

Black-headed Gossbeak in flight at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

Just a few highlights from this month. There’s always….

03/26/2024 The Weed Dance

Grebe Courtship in earnest at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

A pair of male and female Grebes will dive to the lake bed and come back to the surface with weeds in their bills that they …..

03/03/2024 All About Grebe Chicks

Western Grebe and chicks at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

The last 2 weeks have been all about Grebe Chicks, and…..

02/22/2024 Lake Hodges opening month

Red-tailed Hawk at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

Highlights from opening month here at…..

01/31/2024 Lake Hodges opening date scheduled for Wed Feb 7th

Rushing Western Grebes At Lake Hodges Photo Tours

Another Season is upon us and there are a few notable announcements I’d like…..

01/11/2024 Welcome to another year and Patagonia highlights 2

Black-chested Buzzard Eagle 1x1

As promised, here are more highlights of my recent Patagonia trip.We’ll be holding a presentation at …..

12/22/2023 Season’s Greetings

Seasons-Greetings from Patagonia

As promised, here are some highlights of my recent Patagonia trip. What an incredible place. Looking forward to having you….

10/30/2023 – Home briefly, then back on the road

What a way to see the sunrise. https://lakehodgesphototours.com/news-updates/

This time of year the Lake tends to be pretty slow. The birds are finally finishing their summer molt, and a few have started their annual….

08/15/2023 Highlights from this week

Allens Hummingbird

Hummingbirds are a great subject for photographing during the summer around Lake Hodges. The trick is to have them …..

NANPA Award winning shot

NANPA award winning photograph
Western Grebe and chicks

North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA), 2022 Judges Choice Award winner.

North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA), 2022 Judges Choice Award winner.


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