03/26/2024 The Weed Dance

Grebe Courtship in earnest at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

A pair of male and female Grebes will dive to the lake bed and come back to the surface with weeds in their bills that they …..

03/03/2024 All About Grebe Chicks

Western Grebe and chicks at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

The last 2 weeks have been all about Grebe Chicks, and…..

02/22/2024 Lake Hodges opening month

Red-tailed Hawk at Lake Hodges Photo Tours

Highlights from opening month here at…..

01/31/2024 Lake Hodges opening date scheduled for Wed Feb 7th

Rushing Western Grebes At Lake Hodges Photo Tours

Another Season is upon us and there are a few notable announcements I’d like…..

01/11/2024 Welcome to another year and Patagonia highlights 2

Black-chested Buzzard Eagle 1x1

As promised, here are more highlights of my recent Patagonia trip.We’ll be holding a presentation at …..

12/22/2023 Season’s Greetings

Seasons-Greetings from Patagonia

As promised, here are some highlights of my recent Patagonia trip. What an incredible place. Looking forward to having you….

10/30/2023 – Home briefly, then back on the road

What a way to see the sunrise. https://lakehodgesphototours.com/news-updates/

This time of year the Lake tends to be pretty slow. The birds are finally finishing their summer molt, and a few have started their annual….

08/15/2023 Highlights from this week

Allens Hummingbird

Hummingbirds are a great subject for photographing during the summer around Lake Hodges. The trick is to have them …..


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