Happy New Year
Lake Hodges Photo Tours made it around the big yellow orb one more time and I’m still here and going strong. Covid brought in a huge number on new birders and photographers so made it a little harder on those doing it for a living. Of course Southern California has always had a myriad of other distractions, so I feel honored to have such a strong following. Thank You!
There are a few noteworthy events coming up this year. Firstly, I’ve been busy with home projects that have kept me from posting my regular daily shots to Instagram and Facebook, but that will be resuming shortly. I still walk my dog twice daily around the Lake and have been keeping an eye and pulse on activity. This morning I noticed the first real uptick in Grebe activity.
The City of San Diego had planned to keep the lake closed to boating for an extra month but thanks to the Friends of San Diego City Lakes and the Friends of lake Hodges, the Lake will be open as usual on the first Wednesday of February. I will be doing my usual boat tours on open days and walking and hiking tours when I can’t get on the Lake.
With the Lake opening again in February, Kayaking for the Birds will be again be patrolling the Lake in search of fishing line and other trash on Mondays and Fridays. If you’d like to become a volunteer please contact me and I can fill you in.
On another note. For those that don’t know, I play with a Celtic Band, Highland Way and host tours to Scotland with my fiddle player Paul. If you’ve never been to Scotland and want to go, put it off no more! Paul and I will be hosting another Scotland tour in August of 2025, and there’s a good chance this will be our last tour. This is not a dedicated photography tour, but it’s hard to NOT get great photographs when touring Scotland. Some of the highlights will be the Edinburgh Tattoo, the Jacobite Train, (AKA Hogwarts Express), the Isle of Skye, a distillery tour, all with music along the way with Paul and myself. There are still a few spots open, but hurry, they’re going fast. Here’s the link with the full itinerary and price – https://isleinntours.com/highlandway2025/. Please contact either myself or Fiona from Isle Inn Tours – 800 237 9376, with any specific questions.
Finally, just a reminder that I am now selling my best work on my website, https://www.lakehodgesphototours.art/, please take a look and if there are any specific photos you’d like added, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Looking forward to a great season! Happy New Year!
Until Next Month