New Website for purchasing my ART.
Sorry about my tardiness in getting out my blog this month. I’ve been preoccupied with finishing off the new website for selling my ART. It’s been wonderful finally setting it up, but took a little longer than expected. I’ve been slowly populating the site with what I regard as my best pieces and wanted to insure there would be items available for the Holiday Season.
One of my favorite aspects of the site is the way in which a potential print can be hung on a mockup of the room in which it’s intended. The room can be changed, the wall color can be changed, and even a photo loaded of the ACTUAL room. Shop with confidence that the print will indeed compliment the room and décor.

Also, as you probably already know, The PBS Nature documentary on which I’ve been collaborating on the last 2 years aired this month. But what you may not know is that the movie will be showing on the big screen at the San Diego Natural History Museum for the foreseeable future. On Premiere night I got to hang with the Producer Nate Dappen and another one of the photographers, Roy Toft and his wife Stella. Want to go Behind the scenes of the movie? –

And now some of the regulars that are around this time of year. There has already been a slight uptick in Grebe courtship activity. But having said that, this time of the year with the colors and reflections you don’t need to have courtship to have a great photo. Case in point – this pair of Clark’s Grebes.

Killdeer are simply beautiful plovers with great plumage and incredibly interesting eyes. They are not yet nesting but when they do, look out for their Oscar nominated performance of feigning injury in order to distract would be predators.They are great fun to watch and even more fun to photograph.

I’m always looking for a new angle, especially for the old regulars. It gets more difficult with time to capture a new and unique shot of the same birds. So I was quite happy with this Great Blue Heron coming in to land at the shoreline.

Watching Great Egrets hunt is always rewarding this time of year. However, the Egret may beg to differ, it’s not exactly a huge fish….

This time of year, in virtually any direction there is golden brown foliage to make for a great back drop or reflection. This female Kestrel lined herself up perfectly.

I really enjoy getting down low to the water, be it in the boat or on shore. The photos captured have a completely different feel. This Least Sandpiper wasn’t even remotely bothered with me joining it in the shallows by the Lake edge.

The same flock of Sandpipers when shot from a completely different perspective.

There has also been lots of raptor activity this month. In one morning alone I was able to shoot a Peregrine, a Merlin, a pair of Kites, a pair of Red-Shouldered Hawks, a Red-Tailed Hawk, a Cooper’s Hawk and the cherry on top was the bald eagle chasing down an Osprey for a free meal. The Osprey managed to out maneuver the Eagle.

We’ve been ‘enjoying’ hundreds of crows roosting each evening on our block. So far I’ve only been nailed once…. 🙂 Murder indeed….

As always we continue picking up old fishing line while out taking photographs. Multitasking at its finest. I encourage everyone to keep a small bag handy for trash or line or … whatever.
Please contact me directly by email if interested in heading out on the Lake or walking the area for any photography or videography. The Lake has only a limited number of days each week / season open for boating. Walking and hiking is accessible any day, 365 days a year. Feel free to share on your preferred Social Media, and subscribe at the foot of this page.
Until next month