Grebes DO fly! 🙂

There are lots of photographs of Western and Clark’s Grebes doing their signature rush across the water. There are also plenty of shots of parents with chicks on their backs. However, one thing you don’t see very often is a photo of a Western or Clark’s Grebe flying. Since they are migratory birds they do obviously fly. However, they migrate at night so it’s not easy to catch them in the act. Here at Hodges the wind comes up virtually every afternoon and if the wind picks up quickly, the Grebes will often take short flights. I am always amazed that their small wings actually manage to lift their disproportionately large bodies into the air.Â

The pelicans are enjoying the morning sun which recently has been in short supply.

One of several Great Blue Herons looking for a morning fishing spot.

There are often hoof prints in the sand around the Lake and occasionally you will actually see the perpetrators. A couple of Mule Deer .

This time of year the surrounding vegetation plays host to groups of Lesser Goldfinches.Â