The last 2 weeks have been all about Grebe Chicks, and what better way to highlight them than with a bunch of photos.

Capturing intimate moments with parents and chicks takes patience, time and an intimate knowledge of the bird in question.

A curious youngster taking a look up at a passing cormorant.

As the chicks grow, they need more and more food. The parents alternate between carrying the chicks and fishing. Often only 1 in 5 to 10 dives is successful.

Doting parents:) The male and female are often hard to discern until they are close together. The male is slightly larger in every dimension and can be easily seen in this shot.

The usual protocol to get this kind of photo is to sit in a hide close to the area where you’re likely to see parents with chicks then wait and hope one comes by. Having studied them for years and having the right equipment has enabled me to maneuver myself AND clients close enough to get shots like these without disturbing the birds.

I’ve found over the years that front lit, morning light is great when photographing Grebes in the throes of courtship. However, when shooting close ups of chicks, my best results have always been in overcast conditions.
The Lake is now open to boating
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