Another Season is upon us and there are a few announcements. First I’d like to thank everyone that came to the Patagonia presentation, what a great turnout.

Next, assuming the upcoming rain doesn’t raise the water level too much, opening day will be Wed, Feb 7th, and not a moment too soon. The Grebes have been in the throes of courtship for a while, this photograph was taken a couple of weeks ago from shore. As usual I’m quite happy to miss the opening day madness 🙂

I’d like to give a big thank you to Brian Godfrey and the rest of the volunteers of KAYAKING FOR THE BIRDS. Under his leadership over the last 5 years KAYAKING FOR THE BIRDS has been tirelessly minimizing the detrimental impact of fishing and other activities to the birds and wildlife of Hodges. Sadly Brian has had to step down as Program Director and I have been asked to take on the position. Brian’s shoes will be very hard to fill but I feel honored to have been given the opportunity. Brian, we wish you well in your next adventure!

I’ve had a number of people ask why there has been a pontoon boat drifting up and down the lake the last few weeks with an interesting looking contraption on board? It’s a camera, and yes, that’s a beach ball between the lens and the water 🙂 This is one of 2 separate production teams doing documentaries on Grebes. Throw down the red carpet, our Lake Hodges Grebes are going to be movie stars!
The Lake is closed for the season, opening again in February 7th.
Each winter the Lake closes to boating giving the local wildlife a breather. The fish have an opportunity to spawn, wintering and migrating birds use the lake as a pit stop and if conditions present themselves, Grebes will build nests, lay eggs and produce chicks. Weather permitting, opening day this year will be February 7th.
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